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Rising Power Meditation

Your power is surging.
Everything is falling into place.
The change is coming.
Can you feel it?
white wildflowers against blue sky

Sink Into Your Eternal Being
Focus on the sensation in the center of your chest.
Feel, in the core of your body, a pinprick of warmth.
Visualize the warmth as a tiny point of white light, shining out from the center of your chest.
Now, understand that the light deserves to grow, to shine throughout your entire being and into the universe.
Watch and feel the vibrant light glowing, pouring its warmth outwards into your body, a pure sensation flowing through your torso, your limbs, and finally out through the crown of your head and the soles of your feet.
You are light.
You are warmth.
This is what power feels like.

bright green grass with dewdrops

Find Your Energy
What does "living" mean to you?
Do you enter consciously into each moment, ready to learn from both pain and joy?
You must be ready to embrace suffering, to see it for what it truly is.
Pain does not signify finality or hopelessness, but rather opportunity.
Continue to feel the light and warmth within your body.
No external being has power over you, no one can truly affect how you feel or how you think.
You have control over your mind and body.
You determine how you react to external forces. 
Take responsibility for yourself and your mentality.
Do you respect your outlook on life, or does it need to change?
Take time to evaluate the way you think about thinking.
All of your personal power comes from your habitual thoughts.
Do not allow yourself to operate automatically, for when you do, you neglect your power.
You can only be eternal, moral, and good if you are fully conscious of your place in every moment.
Do not move blindly through the universe.
When you take control, you are unbelievably divine.

white flower contrast

The same way in which you fill your body with light, fill your mind with awareness.
Watch your thoughts flow across your mind, what do they stray towards?
Are your thoughts constructive or destructive towards yourself and your life?
Be gentle with yourself, you are always growing, always changing.
Life does not move on without you.
Take your first steps into the world, not obliviously and innocently as you did as a child, but with all of your life experience up until now.
You know far more than you give yourself credit for.
You know your strengths and your weaknesses.
Now is the time to gaze upon both, to solidify your strengths and to edify your weaknesses until they become more powerful than you could have ever hoped.
You are everything, do not doubt your ability to become whole.

brown deer in grassy field

Embrace Your Power
Return to the sensation in the center of your chest.
The light must be attended to with care.
Do not become boastful or prideful, or feel that your work is done.
All of life is effort.
You must be conscious of your thoughts and actions at all times.
You are in charge of the glowing in your soul.
You are your own god.
Take care of yourself, as you would your own child.
Teach yourself the right way to do things, you already know what you must change.
Now, be still.
Let useless pondering and stress fall away, they will do you no good.
Practice turning every wayward, destructive thought into a solid, constructive one.
Turn your attention to the world before you.
Let yourself breathe into it.
Where do you belong? 
Find your focus.
Whenever a stray thought dilly dallies in your mind, consciously redirect your attention.
Everything is under your control.
If you find it hard to remain conscious throughout the day, remember that every moment of overwhelm and inattentiveness is a fresh opportunity to practice returning to a state of awareness.
Be with yourself, today and always.
Consciousness is power.
When you are present, you become eternal.

red birdberries shining in sunlight on green bush


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