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Lessons From Weeding

Everywhere, the weeds are pushing their spiny way out of the soil.
They are going to seed, and their invasive growth must be fought back.
There is a lot to learn from this experience, no matter how tiresome it may seem. 

Lessons From Weeding
As I kneel, ever-nearer to the soil, my eyes scan the surrounding growth to determine what belongs and what must be removed. 
There is a mixture of invasive plants amongst flowers and grass, and I must take care to differentiate between them all.
The weeds threaten to overcome everything in their path.
It is my duty to hold them off for the season.

In certain parts of my yard, I will be needing to do more work than just pulling by hand. 
Some tangles and briars prove themselves too tough for my gloves.
However, I move steadily on, focusing only on the weeds that I have the ability to remove. 
It serves no immediate purpose to entertain the question of how to do what I cannot.
I do not allow my mind to be caught up in pondering, instead refocusing my efforts time and again on the area around me. 
I reach into the earth, digging out twisted roots, aiming always to pull from the lowest point out to remove the entirety of the unwanted plant. 
It is this way with our own minds: when we find toxicity within our mentality or daily life, we must work tirelessly to remove it in its totality. 
Nothing poisonous may remain; it threatens to regrow. 

Attend To Your Roots
You are blossoming soon, if not already. 
Be mindful of the garden you are growing in. 
Is the soil rich and fertile?
Taking the time to remove invasive plants and contaminants from around your roots is what will allow you to flourish. 
You grow from newness and clarity, soaking up the sun’s rays. 
Every moment, now, is a confirmation. 
You are within the world, encompassed in it, not merely viewing it as an outsider. 
You think and move with absolute purpose. 
You are ever-becoming something more than you are already. 


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