Darkness cannot long be hidden.
Stagnation will be transformed into motion.
You are near awakening, now are your final moments of slumber.
Use this time well.
Be Peaceful
Allow every breath that you take to be meaningful.
Inhale into the depths of your diaphragm, feeling the fresh air pouring effortlessly through your body like a cooling waterfall in summertime.
Exhale slowly, knowledgeably, like the growth of thick mosses on the exposed roots of a redwood tree.
Be with the world around you, can you sense the earth?
Do you move with the flow of the universe?
There is a constant motion, present in all natural things.
Place a palm against the trunk of a tree, or dig your fingers into the soil, and direct all of your senses to the connection.
There is a subtle, yet intense vibration, moving between your soul and the planet.
Can you feel it?
When you do, you will unlock a new wealth of awareness.
You are no longer a singular being, aimlessly wandering the planes of existence.
You are a vital pulse in all that is.
The new moon rises, and all is pure.
With the end of the lunar cycle comes release.
Consider carefully--perhaps while bathing or meditating:
Do your thoughts serve a higher purpose?
Have you been allowing poor quality of thought to invade your mind?
Do you think and move with intention at all times, or are you easily distracted?
Remember, you are impacted by everything and everyone you come in contact with.
Do you associate with good people whose values align with your own?
Be wary of who you allow into your inner circle.
Now, be honest with yourself.
There may be habits of thought, daily actions, or people that no longer serve you.
Maybe they never did.
Take the time to cleanse, release all toxic energies from your life, and renew your vitality.
Be with yourself.
Find your sense of wholeness.
You are the breeze at dawn,
as it swirls through the treetops
cresting the waves at sea.
You are the sunlight,
splashing down from the heavens,
a glow of warmth cascading
across the delicate petals of
a cherry blossom tree.
You are the first breath
that a newborn takes
upon entrance into
this vast, vibrant world.
You are the silence
in moments of nothingness
between dawn and dusk,
watching as the world settles.
You are the morning lark
who sings in harmony
with the wind and the sun,
whose smooth, dark beak
calls out a blissful
farewell to the night--
as daylight comes
and blesses the soil,
you are the awakening
deep in your soul.
You are the vibration
of the universe
which rests beneath
the soles of your feet,
whispering truth
into the rhythmic beating
of your precious heart.
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