You were born into contrast. You were born glowing, pure, into a world of contradiction and ugliness. You have long been stifled, altered, made to feel inadequate. You will not find what you desire out in the world, but rather within yourself. Turn inwards for the solution to your pain and confusion. Healing comes from first understanding what you are feeling. Honor your emotions. Be present with who you are, now. Do you need to heal your solar plexus chakra? The solar plexus chakra relates to your ego, identity, self-esteem, and personal power. It is linked to the color yellow and the element of fire. It is physically located about two inches above your navel. Also called Manipura, this chakra is what we associate most with our sense of who we are and our intentions in this world. In accordance to our solar plexus' health, we may change our outward appearance and interactions with the world. If you are a highly sensitive person, then it is very likely that...
simple, mindful lessons for the gentle soul